Sunday, January 16, 2011

I have .... FOLLOWERS!

Okay so I noticed that people I did not really "know" occasionally would make a comment, which was nice.  :) Then one day I noticed I had TWO followers!  Still no huge surprise as I commented several times on each of their blogs.

Then one day last week after I'd already posted twice I think, I noticed I had a THIRD follower and this one was Madame Samm.   Well now, not to belittle the other two (trust me gals I'm beyond thrilled that you follow this urban gal) but this was now a horse of a different color.  Now, I had a person in charge of Stash Manicure with over 91,000 visitors this month alone!  And followers numbering over 1600.  I wondered what I had done, posted or even just thought in my lost in my over-50-mind that caused her to follow my blog.  And then I went on with my day.   Suffering from I can't remember dinner from this evening I did not remember that I had .... followers again until today.

and then there were


My corner of the universe is expanding and I'm happy to have someone-s here reading with me so I don't have to admit I'm just talking to myself.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring?

I know in life, it is bringing an unexpected trip to my in-laws sans husband as my dmil is having computer difficulties and I'm hoping I can go over there and save her from the blue screen of death.  I offered.  I hope I can save her "stuff" what little she might have on the computer and her email pst info if applicable (i think she uses AOL via the web) but I'll check just to make sure.  and then I'll probably just start her off with a fresh windows load.  She gets my dfil's older computers and so I imagine it was never truly started off fresh for her and could use it.

Wish me luck and safe journey and cheap gas? as it is a 3 hours drive and I don't like to drive in the dark but I imagine I will be ... both ways.  Not uphill either direction, unless you count the turnpike exit ramps.  I live in Florida for those of you who are just getting to know me.

and now i have no new pics for you at all, two posts in a row. :(


  1. Of course you have followers and congrats on growing your wonderful blog!

  2. awwww... blush and thank you for being there!

  3. Ahhh well surprise to say, leaving a comment led me back to you..good morning Denise...ohhh and take a peak on the blog roll over at Stash...mmmmm it might bring a smile and possibly more followers..just saying..

  4. ooohh what a nice surprise to my morning. after a long day of travel to work on some computer issues for my dmil this was a great way to enjoy my coffee this morning. thank you ladies :)

  5. I too like reading what is going on the other side of earth.

  6. I totally know what you mean!! I'm up to 13. I've had my blog since July 2010 and have had about 30 comments so when someone acutually moves the cyber breeze my way I feel it.

  7. And now you have's so fun to see names added to the follower list! blessings, marlene

  8. I too live in Florida - N of the Turnpike - so I am following you now.

  9. And today I count 11. Congratulations on that!
